1.22.2022 | Cathedral of Christ the King & Gate City

How We Met
We first heard from Jayme through Facebook messenger in December of 2020. She was looking for a venue and wanted to use us as coordinators. We chatted back and forth for a few days before Christmas hit and we lost touch. Fast forward to September 2021, when Jayme reached back out to us through the email stating that all their plans had changed and they were having a small wedding in January. We had a quick phone call about Marmaros and to catch up. A few days later, Jayme & Randall had booked us and we had a great wedding to kick off 2022!
Down to Business
The first time we met with Jayme, Randall, and their crew was at Gate City Brewing to see the space and to go over a timeline and a floor plan to make everything work exactly the way we wanted. A month later we met at Jayme & Randall's ADORABLE house to go over details and make sure we were on track. We met one last time back at Gate City to confirm rentals for the floor plan. We were getting really excited!
The Big Day
On wedding day, we arrived at Cathedral of Christ the King at the same time as Hannah with Rita Wedding Studios to prepare for the day! Jayme, Ashley (her maid of honor), and her mom all arrived in an awesome limo from Atlantic Limo looking absolutely beautiful thanks to the hard work of Bliss Formal! We were off to the races! Hannah was working on detail photos starting with Jayme’s wedding dress and moving to all the sparkly and fun details Jayme & Randall brought to their wedding and Han Picked Flowers arrived with bouquets and boutonnieres. Jayme stepped into her dress with the help of Ashley and her mom before we took her to do a first look with her father in the courtyard.
With 30 minutes until the ceremony, we snagged some getting ready photos of Randall before he went up the back stairs to meet the Father and Jayme went up the elevator to wait until we went down the aisle.
The organ began and the family began to walk down the aisle. Cathedral of Christ the King is truly a stunning church with so many gorgeous stained glass windows and stonework - a perfect place for a ceremony! With readings and kind words, the ceremony was so personalized to Jayme & Randall. Father announced them as husband and wife, Jayme & Randall kissed and they were married! We circled back around and after guests were dismissed, Jayme & Randall did family photos before going outside for photos of them together. It was chilly but Jayme was ready with a beautiful faux fur shawl that complimented her dress perfectly! Jayme, Randall, & Hannah hopped in the limo and took some photos by the lake before Atlantic Limo took the newlyweds back to the hotel to hang out with their family and friends before the reception.
We arrived at Gate City with our rentals and some personal items of Jayme & Randall’s and began decorating the space. Cassey Cakes arrived with the wedding and groom’s cake, Han Picked Flowers arrived to decorate tables, Fox Bros arrived with yummy smelling BBQ, and Eventworks arrived with ghost chairs and stools. We were cutting it close but we had so many helpers in Jayme & Randall’s family that we pulled off this transformation just in time! Guests began arriving and our newlyweds greeted everyone before we did the first dance, father-daughter dance, and heard a welcome from Jayme & Randall. Guests were invited to get their food from the buffet, delicious drinks from the bar, and mingle with their friends.
After everyone had time to eat, we began pouring champagne for a champagne toast and invited guests to grab a glass before we heard toasts from Jayme’s father, the maid of honor, and best man. Krispy Kreme arrived and we set up a station for guests to grab a donut or piece of cake as they continued to mingle and chat with our newlyweds. At the end of the night, guests were invited to an after-party in downtown Roswell that was walking distance from Gate City Brewing where the good times could continue!
Something Spectacular
With such a big gap in between ceremony and reception, Jayme & Randall arrived to the reception a little before the guests to get photos of their formal dances and to cut the cake. Then Jayme changed into a STUNNING jumpsuit and the two greeted their guests as they arrived to the reception!
Happily Ever After
We loved every minute of working with Jayme & Randall! Even though their initial plans changed, their wedding day was so perfect and totally unique - we couldn’t have imagined it any other way! We know these two will do great things in their marriage and we are so excited to see where the future takes them. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Layman!

All Hands on Deck
Church: Cathedral of Christ the King
Venue: Gate City Brewing Company
Photographer: Rita Wedding Studio
Hair & Makeup: Bliss Formal Hair
Florist: Han Picked Flowers
Catering: Fox Bros. Bar-B-Q
Cake: Cassie Cakes
Donuts: Krispy Kreme
Rentals: EventWorks
Getaway Car: Atlantic Limo